ModernTreasury.com is a more-or-less completely self-serve system that allows members of the content team to publish modules, pages, and routes without the help of engineers. In 2023, we completely redesigned it, a huge effort from everyone involved.
My part included building out the design system, building blocks that the content team would add and reorder to create pages on the website. This involved building out the items and then hooking them up to the content management system, Sanity. One of the more inspired pieces in this, while seemingly small, was our 'Clickable' component, which was a simple factory that would spit out the correct element for things you could click based on the props you sent it. The reason this was exciting was that we were able to then pass our analytics handler through it, which meant that we could track every click that went through the system, anywhere, regardless if it was an external link or a button in an image carousel.
Should go without saying, but: fully responsive, obviously. Also highly performant, although I will point to my tech lead for much of the work done on that front.
Unfortunately, not all projects go smoothly: for various reasons this project went from three engineers to two, and for a cycle from two engineers to one (me, eep). All's well that ends well, though. Completed in a quarter(-ish) to be all spick and span for Transfer 2023.